I am a researcher and software developer with a great interest in tooling, distributed systems, and the combination of those two.
I have great experience working with (and on) object oriented and functional languages, as well as reflective systems and debuggers.
I have lived in Italy, Spain, and Belgium, and I love working in an international environment.
I love challenges and exploring new solutions to old and new problems.

Software Engineer & Researcher
- Birthday: August 1993
- Degree: Master & PhD in Computer Science
- Website: mmarra.it
- City: Brussels, Belgium
Currently I am a researcher at Nokia Bell Labs, focusing on innovative research on federated stream processing and involved in several project that are being transferred on Nokia products.
After completing my bachelor in computer science and engineering at the Università degli Studi di Bologna (campus of Cesena), I pursued a master at the Vrije Universiteit Brussel, followed by a PhD at the same university obtained in May 2022.
While doing my master, I worked as a part-time software developer for Elements, a company that builds instrumentation for electrophysiology. There, I was responsible of the creation and maintenance of EDR 3, a software for realtime visualization and analysis of data, and EDA, an offline data analysis software.
During my PhD, I worked at the Software Languages Lab under the supervision of prof. dr. Elisa Gonzalez Boix . My PhD was supported by a Strategic Basic research grant from FWO (Flemish research fundation). I also cooperated with the RMoD resarch lab of prof. dr. Stéphane Ducasse at INRIA Lille - Nord Europe under the supervision of dr. Guillermo Polito. After a short post-doc at the Software Languages Lab where I worked on debugging of asynchronous programs on Truffle languages, I moved to Bell Labs for exploring new avenues of research.I speak Italiano, English, Español, and Français.
Below you can see the list of programming languages and frameworks I am most familiar with
I also have knowledge and student experience using Common Lisp, Erlang, Clojure, Scheme, Haskell, SQL, HTTP
Download Full CVSummary
Matteo Marra
Research-oriented software developer with a PhD on debugging Big Data applications and work experience in real-time analysis of data.
- Strong experience in programming distributed systems
- Located in Brussels, Belgium
- Email: contact.mmarra \at gmail \dot com
Doctor of Sciences
2017 - 2022
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
PhD titled "A live debugging approach for big data processing applications"
Master of Science in Computer Science
2015 - 2017
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
Degree obtained with Great Distinction
Bachelor in Computer Science and Engineering
2012 - 2015
Università di Bologna, Italy
Degree obtained cum laude
Professional Experience
Researcher Software Engineer
2023 - Present
Nokia Bell Labs, Belgium
- Research on distributed and federate stream processing
- Focus on novel solutions and applicability to industrial producs in the context of industry 4.0
- Supervise interns, collaborate with universities and PhD students
Post Doctoral Researcher
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Continuation of my PhD reserach over debugging Big Data applications
- Supervise Bachelor and Master students
- Collaborate with PhD students, particularly to apply my approach to IoT applications
Pre Doctoral Researcher
2017 - 2022
Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
- Devised a novel debugging solution for Spark-like and Map/Reduce applications
- Prototyped two debuggers
- Developed two frameworks for distributed Big Data processing in Pharo Smalltalk
- Cooperated with the RMoD Lab at INRIA Lille
- Teaching Assistant for the Metaprogramming and Reflection master course (5 academic years)
- Teaching Assistant for the Big Data Processing master course (5 academic years)
Part-time Software Engineer
2015 - 2017
Elements srl, Italy
- Main developer of EDR3, software for online data analysis
- Main developer of EDA, data analysis and visualization
- Working in a diverse team of researchers in different fields
- Work done in parallel to my master studies
Here you can find an interactive view of all my peer-reviewed publications in international journals, conferences, and workshops.
Hoover and click on to see the publication or on to download the citation.
- All
- PhD Thesis
- Journal
- Conference
- Workshop
Brussels, Belgium
contact.mmarra \at gmail \dot com